Options for Actual Title Buttons
Actual Title Buttons
Actual Title Buttons offers such innovative controls as Stay on Top, Minimize to Tray, Make Transparent, Align Window and other handy functions. The program does exactly what it promises, i.e. increases the efficiency of your Operating System and organizes desktop space better for those users who usually multitask in several applications.
The new controls can be triggered via Windows-style buttons placed next to the standard Minimize/Restore/Close or by means of keystroke combinations that results in greater speed of work and its accuracy.
Such essential option as Stay on Top will help you observe the content of any window while working with another one. Transparency effect is one more tool which lets you see the back window through the front one, although you can use it for achieving aesthetically pleasing effect and making your wallpapers unusually beautiful.
If window clutter on the task bar becomes the problem, Minimize to the Tray will tackle it instantly. Enjoy well-organized space on the desktop! The Roll Up option reduces any window so that only its title bar remains visible.
Our program is an attempt to make your life easier, your work more flash-like. Additionally, you do not have to change your operating habits.
FREE 100% functional trial version available! Download it now!
Program details
Downloads month: 10
Company: Actual Tools
Release date: 2007-06-20
Version: 4.5
License: Shareware
Price: $19.95
Supported OS': Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT 4.x, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista
Homepage: Visit website
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