Options for Best EDB to PST
Best EDB to PST
Looking for Best EDB to PST Conversion Software? Try Enstella Best EDB to PST migration software and scan your EDB database. Enstella Best Exchange EDB Repair Software is an automated Exchange recovery tool which can easily handle all types of exchange error and resolved exchange corruptions. Made successful EDB to PST conversion by Enstella Perfect EDB to PST converter software.

What you can easily get back while using Enstella BEST EDB to PST Converter Tool:
* Quick method to repair Exchange database
* Restore Exchange mailbox to PST
* Restore unlimited size of EDB file to PST file
* Restore Each EDB mailbox to Outlook .pst file
* Directly import EDB mailbox to Outlook .pst file
* Export Exchange Contacts to PST Contacts
* Export Exchange Calendar to PST Calendar

Enstella Exchange Server Recovery software having best method to repair exchange edb file and extract each exchange user account to PST. Enstella Best EDB to PST migration tool having great features that helps to recover exchange edb to pst such as-
* Easy, safe and secure EDB recovery
* Quick file analysis process
* Easy to extract Exchange user accounts
* Preview of recovered EDB mailboxes
* Export single or multiple edb mailbox to PST mailbox
* Supports Exchange Server 2007, 2003, 2000, 5.5, 5.0

Download Free EDB to PST migrate software:
Enstella Systems provide free EDB to PST migrate tool as freeware demo version that will read your edb database file and show you every mailboxes and their respective emails, contacts, calendar, notes, tasks, journals etc. Freeware demo version tool restricts the conversion from EDB to PST. If you need to extract exchange mailbox to pst file then you need a licensed version of Enstella Exchange Server Recovery Software. Get the licensed version tool at only $299 and export Exchange database to PST file.
Program details
Downloads month: 10
Company: Exchange Database Repair Tools
Release date: 2012-01-24
Version: 5.3
License: Shareware
Price: $299.00
Supported OS': Win2000, Win7 x32, Win7 x64, Win98, WinServer, WinVista, WinVista x64, WinXP
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