Options for DriveCrypt
Military strong 1344 Bit encryption:

DRIVECRYPT securely and easily protects all proprietary data on notebooks and desktop computers 100% of the
time without users having to think about security. Any organization, from a small company to a large international
with thousands of users in the field, can effectively protect business plans, client lists, product specifications,
confidential corporate memos, stock information, and much more with this product.
As data is read from the hard disk, DRIVECRYPT automatically decrypts the data before it is loaded into memory.
When data is written back to the hard disk, it is automatically re-encrypted. The encryption/ decryption process is
completely transparent to the user or any application program -the data is caught "on the fly" as it transfers back
and forth between the hard disk and memory. Consequently, users don't need to remember to decrypt or re-encrypt
their data, or change the normal operation of the PC. In addition, only individual files are decrypted at any one time, not the whole hard disk.
Program details
Downloads month: 0
Company: SecurStar
Release date: 2007-06-27
Version: 4.61
License: Shareware
Price: $59.95
Supported OS': Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT 3.x, Windows NT 4.x, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista
Homepage: Visit website
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