Options for EBook Maestro FREE
EBook Maestro FREE
EBook compiler software is a universal tool to make feature-rich presentations and eBooks with easy access and exchange over the Internet. Freeware eBook Maestro offers the full spectrum of options for non-commercial projects. Users, aiming to reach a wider audience with their texts and audio-visual materials, will find it much easier if they create eBooks with eBook Maestro. The universal simplicity of this eBook maker, reinforced by its strong compression, makes the job of eBook creation, publishing, and exchange a real delight.
The eBook compiler offers a rich interface with an array of customizable features, fast search engine, a read-out-loud mode and other refinements. They make the experience of an eBook encounter as comfortable and as interactive as possible. Support for embedded scripts, Flash, Shockwave and video formats provides a richer, more innovative experience compared to other publishing options. To push eBook creation even further along the technology highway, the eBook compiler software allows integrating eBooks with a remote web server via form processing. This doesn`t only facilitate feedback but also puts into your hands a host of occasions for interaction such as questionnaires, answer sheets and various training techniques. The universal support for embedded objects, character sets and data processing allows applying the functional riches of eBook creation to any professional area, be it art, business, education or cookery.
Users of eBook Maestro will find in the e-Book compiler robust protection against copyright violations. The eBook software features a checksum algorithm to control the pristine order of the book`s content. Interface settings also support the disabling of both cut-and-paste and drag-and-drop modes. Moreover, controlled extraction ensures that no temporary files are left in the reader system, which could be used without permissions. The eBook compiler software offers a vessel for your ideas that both guards and adorns them
Program details
Downloads month: 6
Release date: 2007-02-27
Version: 1.80
License: Freeware
Price: $0.00
Supported OS': Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT 4.x, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista
Homepage: Visit website
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