Options for Egypt of David Roberts
Egypt of David Roberts
50 images of Egypt by David Roberts. Beautiful Pharaonic and Islamic scenes chosen from his six volumes of prints published in 1846. This screensaver includes a portrait of David Roberts plus scenes along the Nile of Abu Simbel, Karnak, the Temple of Luxor, the Colossus of Memnon, Temples of Kom Obo, Esna and Edfu, views of Philae, interiors and exteriors of mosques in Cairo, views of Cairo, Pyramids of Giza, and the Sphinx. All images have been enhanced to show the vibrant colors of Cairo and the heiroglyphic details and delicate colors of the pharaonic ruins that Roberts painstakingly captured in his watercolors which were drawn during his travels of 1838 and 1839.
Program details
Downloads month: 1
Company: Pixel Paradox
Release date: 2003-02-05
Version: 1.0
License: Shareware
Price: $10
Supported OS': Win95 Win98 WinME WinNT 4.x Windows2000 WinXP
Homepage: Visit website
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