Options for Free Game Icons
Free Game Icons
This free icon set of Free Game Icons offers game developers a variety of images that will come handy for all the kinds of computer games you can imagine. It includes icons for Lock, Door, Apple, Chain, Jester, Wizard, and many more. All the images provided come in three sizes (32x32, 48x48 and 64x64 pixels) and in a True Color color format with a semi-transparency alpha channel. They can be instantly downloaded as an archive of PNG images.

The icon collection is distributed under the Creative Commons license agreement, which allows you to use the images in both personal and commercial projects. When using this images you should always indicate Aha-Soft as the author of the icons and provide a link to

There are many different ways to get icons for your application. One of them is to design those icons yourself using one of the widely available icon-editing programs. But that could be a hard task, if your drawing skills are low or not present at all. The other way is to use a search engine and get the icons free of charge from someone, who does have some drawing skill and therefore, managed to create the icons and put them on the net. There is only one problem with those icons - their quality.

Where to get more free icons? Look for is an icon search engine that helps you find quality icons available on the Internet. Here you will find icons for Windows Vista and XP, Macintosh, Linux, desktop icons, software, website, mobile, presentation, in sizes from 16x16 to 256x256 in PNG format and sizes from 16x16 to 128x128 in ICO format.

Aha-Soft plans to release the following icon sets: Professional Icon Kit, Android Menu Icons, iPad Icon Set, Collection of Free iPad Icons, Free Apple iPad Icon Set, Free High Quality Premium Apple IPAD Icons, Comic iPad Icon Library, Droid Icon Pack, Free Android Interface Icons, Web Icon Portfolio.

More new about free icons are here:
Program details
Downloads month: 9
Release date: 2011-06-10
Version: 2011.1
License: Freeware
Price: $0
Supported OS': Windows 3.1, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT 3.x, Windows NT 4.x, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows CE, Linux, Unix
screenshot - click to enlarge the File Extensions site!