Options for JiJi Password Expiration Notification
JiJi Password Expiration Notification
JiJi Password Expiration Notification notifies Password expiration.Password Expiration Notification Pro Active Alert Tool to set Password Expire Notification period and configure Password Expire warning and Password Expiration.Password Expiration Alert Tool checks Active Ddirectory, to identify the password expiry dates.Provides scheduler facility for Password Expiry notification.Send password expiry warning email to users,Password Expiration Notification to Manager

Password and account expiration auditing solution for Active Directory.

Useful for VPN users, Outlook Web Access(OWA) users, Mac/Linux Users, File share users, Service accounts.

Automatically checks the AD daily and send password and account expiry status message and report.

Send Custom Email Notifications to Users,Managers and Admins

Send password expiry warning message to users

Send Password Expiration Notification to Manager

Send Password Expiration Summary Report to Admins Daily

Calculates Password Expiry Date of Users depends on the Domain Policy and Windows 2008 Fine Grained Password Policy

View Password and Account Expiration Report with Password Expire Date, Account Expire Date, MaxPasswordAge (Maximum Password Age)

Supports Windows 7, Windows 2008 systems
Program details
Downloads month: 6
Company: JiJi Technologies
Release date: 2011-10-27
License: Shareware
Price: $16.95
Supported OS':
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