Options for MB Mayan Astrology Compatibility
MB Mayan Astrology Compatibility
MB Mayan Astrology Compatibility generates your compatibility based on the Day Sign and Galactic Tone of the two persons. This is based on Mayan principles. Mayan civilization came into existence for over one thousand years; the ancient Maya interpreted and understood time in a particular way which was totally different from any other existing culture or civilization. They understood and accepted the fact that time was not linear; it is just a series of repeating cycles i.e. the end of one cycle is the beginning of the other one. This is what led to the development of Mayan astrology based on the interpretations of Mayan Calendar. Anybody and everybody who are interested to use the Mayan Calendar symbols can use it for the purpose of finding their path. These symbols are universal in nature and excel the third-dimensional time. The goal is to become one with the galactic mind. The names of the different glyphs or Day Signs are: Red Dragon, White Wind, Blue Night, Yellow Seed, Red Serpent, White Worldbridger, Blue Hand, Yellow Star, Red Moon, White Dog, Blue Monkey, Yellow Human, Red Skywalker, White Wizard, Blue Eagle, Yellow Warrior, Red Earth, White Mirror, Blue Storm and Yellow Sun. The different Mayan Day Numbers of Galactic Tones are: Magnetic (1), Lunar (2), Electric (3), Self-Existing (4), Overtone (5), Rhythmic (6), Resonant (7), Galactic (8), Solar (9), Planetary (10), Spectral (11), Crystal (12) & Cosmic (13). MB Mayan Astrology Compatibility based on Mayan Astrology principles is a wonderful tool for gaining a better understanding of compatibility between people.
Program details
Downloads month: 7
Release date: 2008-12-23
Version: 1.05
License: Freeware
Price: $0.00
Supported OS': Windows NT 4.x, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista
Homepage: Visit website
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