Options for Magnificent Moose
Magnificent Moose
Wildlife Screen Savers With Personality(tm) feature 40 engaging photos and tranquil MP3 music. These majestic, often comical giants are featured at every stage and season - taking its first wobbly steps, nursing, feeding in a pond, plus all the action of rutting behavior, including wallowing, showdowns between the bulls, and much more. Each image is picked especially for its personality. No dull, lifeless portraits. You can almost hear each critter breathe. There are over 100 transitions to admire. The time delay between slides is adjustable. The length of time each image appears is also adjustable from 1 to 60 seconds. The full version has 3.9 MB of CD quality MP3 music, with a mute option. All 40 images in the full version are optimized to 1024 by 768, and are adjustable to display properly on all monitors. Our Free Demo version shows 12 full sized and 28 mini images in random order, includes a short version of the CD quality MP3 music, and contains humorous Buy Now screens. A small scrolling marquee summarizes the benefits of the program. The full version does not include the scrolling marquee or humorous Buy Now Reminder photos. After you've enjoyed using the free Demo screen saver, you'll want to enjoy all of the images full sized and the entire musical selection. You can download the full version of the program for $9.95. If you would like to keep a CD backup, one will be offered during checkout. System Requirements, Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, or XP, 100 MHz Pentium or better, 300 MHz to play MP3s. Set monitor to Highest or True color 32 bit Settings for best viewing. Sound card and speakers recommended with 12 MB available on hard drive.
Program details
Downloads month: 2
Company: Wilderness Inspirations®
Release date: 2003-02-04
Version: 1.3
License: Shareware
Price: $9.95
Supported OS': Win95 Win98 WinME WinNT 3.x WinNT 4.x Windows2000 WinXP
Homepage: Visit website
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