Options for MySpace Booster
MySpace Booster
This tool is a must-have for active MySpace users. The features include:

Auto-login. Even if you tell MySpace to remember you, it still doesn't. The MySpace Booster takes care of that. Simply click on any of the buttons like Messages or Comments and you will be automatically logged in and taken directly to those sections. (and it's very easy to clear the password so others can't log in under your account).

Rich comments. MySpace comments and MySpace comment graphics have never been easier. The MySpace Comment Booster allows you to change the font, font size, colors, formatting like bold, italic, alignment, indenting, links, graphics, and smileys. All without requiring you to enter HTML code.

Create a signature. The MySpace Comment Booster keeps track of the last entry you made, making it very easy to create and store a signature.

Copy / Paste. Copy / paste images and other items from your browser directly to your MySpace comments without knowing any HTML.

Source code editing. For advanced users, the HTML code of the MySpace comments can still be edited.

Hidden profile areas. No more hunting for the links on a user's profile. The current user's MySpace profile edited space is all available directly from the MySpace Booster's menu. Their MySpace comments, videos, pics, MySpace contact table, and more are just one click away.

Provided by ProfileMine is a leader in MySpace Layouts and MySpace comments, and they have the most advanced MySpace Profile Editor. Their expertise in Ajax, MySpace, and IE add-ons has made them uniquely qualified to provide you with this advanced MySpace comment creation utility. It's unlikely that you would want to go back.
Program details
Downloads month: 8
Company: ProfileMine
Release date: 2007-08-20
Version: 1.0
License: Freeware
Price: $0
Supported OS': Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows XP, Windows Vista
screenshot - click to enlarge the File Extensions site!