Options for My Little Mole(TM)
My Little Mole(TM)
"Easy to use, no web blocking, no surfing interference, simple information to warn about dangerous websites. Compatible with any ISP.

My Little Mole protects you from Spoof websites and known fraudulent sites. An alert pops-up to warn you if you are on a known fraudulent website. No more worries about typing your PayPal, Ebay, or Banking password into a look-alike site. The handy search features also let you search Google, eBay, and Amazon with a click.

Warns if you go to a Spoof Site
Warns you about crooked companies
Warns you about Malware sites
Warns you about Spam sites
Warns you about thousands of dangerous webpages which violate the My Little Mole Rules Of The Internet
Updates automatically with the latest fraudulent website list and the latest fingerprint file to identify new fraudulent and spam websites
NEW! Email Fraud warnings
New Feature: MLM now warns you about many e-mail fraud schemes if you use a web-based email system. As soon as you open the message, MLM will alert you to some of the most common scams such as the Nigerian/419 scams.

If you know anyone who uses a computer and is always having problems, make sure they install this program. It will help stop them from giving information to scammers and stop them from visiting malicious websites.

You can tell grandma not to click on spam links until you are blue in the face but when you are not looking over her shoulder, you know she is going to click that link offering a 'super deal' or the link claiming her bank account information is out of date and she will gladly turn over all of her personal and financial information to a website in China without thinking twice about it. This is what My Little Mole is meant to prevent. Install the My Little Mole Toolbar and she will receive a warning when she visits any of these scam sites. This toolbar is not only for forgetful grandma. You only have to forget and click through once to create many problems for yourself. "
Program details
Downloads month: 9
Company: Elite Minds Inc
Release date: 2007-07-08
Version: 1.0.8
License: Freeware
Price: $0.00
Supported OS': Windows NT 4.x, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Linux
screenshot - click to enlarge the File Extensions site!