Options for Poker Sidekick
Poker Sidekick
POKER SIDEKICK is the only online poker odds calculator and tournament expert system software that teaches you HOW to win at Texas Holdem poker by monitoring your actual online play in real-time and guiding you through how best to play each hand, teaching you how to master the game along the way. Includes play indicator, strength of starting hands, odds calculator, list of potential hands and probabilities, recommendations on how to play actual situations. Free Download.

Unlike simple odds calculator programs, Poker Sidekick provides:

* Most cost-effective: 1-year subscription service license (shareware registration also available)
* Unique Hand strength indicator, Betting indicators, and Poker Buddy(tm) Poker Assistant
* Poker Buddy teaching assistant provides you advice on WHY you should take each action, so you learn HOW to play winning poker
* Teaches you how to play better poker, so you learn to win both online and offline
* Automatic discovery of players and game configurations (no need to configure each table/player)
* Automatic updates whenever a new version is released, downloads and installs for you
* Easy to learn and use - no training or complicated statistics needed
* Ready-to-go - no configuration required to get started learning and winning.

Free Download.

Program details
Downloads month: 0
Company: Royal Flush Club, Inc.
Release date: 2005-09-17
Version: 1.5
License: Shareware
Price: $19.95
Supported OS': WinME Windows2000 WinXP
Homepage: Visit website
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