Options for QuoBox
QuoBox allows to intuitively store, organize, search and launch Internet Bookmarks. Bookmarks are located in graphical units called Groups. Groups can have different colors and can be placed on the Groups Tables by likeness or relation. Basically the similar way, like paper sheets on the desk. The human eye is capable to find such Group more easily, than for instance an item in a tree view or in a list box. That's because Groups do not tend merge visually so quickly.

Each Bookmark in any panel shows referencing URL, parent Group, Category and Folder (if defined). This is especially helpful in cases, when the Bookmark is "disconnected or filtered" from its parent structure. Or in situation, when two or more Bookmarks have the same Title, but belonging to different Groups, Categories or Folders. This contextual information is supported by any dialog or panel showing Bookmarks. This enables the user to be immediately aware, where the Bookmark is belonging.

In one Bookmarks collection can exists only one unique URL at the time. Each URL has its own URL Comment. Any URL can be shared by one or more different Bookmarks. Using URLs Info dialog, the user can easily find other Bookmarks referencing same URL or URL domain. And this way, better organize the whole collection. This approach has advantage when adding new Bookmark too, because the user is immediately aware, if or how many Bookmarks currently referencing such URL.

The Find and Go functionality enables jump from any "disconnected or filtered" Bookmark to its location in the structure. This is supported by all dialogs and panels showing Bookmarks.

It is possible to import Bookmarks from html files generated by Internet Explorer, Firefox, Netscape or Opera. QuoBox exports items to html file importable by Internet Explorer, Firefox, Netscape and Opera.

QuoBox supports Full and Compact display mode.
Program details
Downloads month: 5
Company: Neborak Technologies, Ltd.
Release date: 2006-10-20
Version: 2.5.17
License: Shareware
Price: $29.90
Supported OS': WinXP
Homepage: Visit website
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