Options for Recover EDB to PST
Recover EDB to PST
Is your Exchange Server failed and you facing the trouble in accessing your Exchange mailboxes? Then just try Enstella EDB to PST recovery and safely performs EDB to PST conversion. Exchange EDB recovery to PST can be possible with our EDB to PST file recovery or EDB mailbox recovery tool. These exclusive performers recover EDB PST program works so fast to recover Exchange mailbox and convert EDB to PST. Just after EDB to PST conversion, Enstella EDB to PST migration program instantly export EDB to PST or migrate EDB to PST. We all believe in the qualitative products, so our Recover EDB to PST software fulfils the requirement so fast. Perfect EDB to PST extractor always concern for the safe and fast Exchange mailbox recovery and Exchange EDB to PST extraction both. We included almost excellent features in our Exchange EDB to PST exporter such as;
*Gives the complete Exchange database recovery in one shot.
*Excellent performance while Exchange EDB to PST retrieval process
*Highly executable for best Exchange EDB PST recovery process
*Putted lots of qualities together such as repair EDB, recover EDB, convert EDB to PST and export Exchange file to PST file etc.
*Replies perfectly Exchange for how to recover Exchange emails? Or how to recover EDB to PST?
After all these qualities, Enstella added one more thing in the software as we divided versions in two parts, first is DEMO and second is FULL version. Here we mean with DEMO as the DEMONSTRATION which will allow you to recover EDB file completely and also puts that recovered items in a preview list. You can get this demo part absolutely FREE.
Second one is FULL version which will not only recover EDB to PST but also transfer EDB to PST with complete information such as emails, tasks, notes. Journals, appointments, attachments etc. and that will cost you about USD 299 only.
Program details
Downloads month: 6
Company: Priv1 EDB to PST
Release date: 2011-11-23
Version: 5.3
License: Shareware
Price: $299.00
Supported OS': Win95, Win98, WinME, Windows2000, WinXP, Windows2003, Win Vista, Win7
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