Options for SecureClean
Permanently remove unneeded traces of your personal information, Internet activities, recently accessed files, and more. Easily clean up unsolicited spam, popups, and other questionable data.

Identity and Information Theft â You cannot watch TV, read a magazine, or visit a bank without seeing something about Identity Theft. It has become the fastest growing crime in America and can no longer be overlooked. CBS News reported that every 79 seconds a thief hacks into a computer, steals a victim's identity, and then goes on a buying spree.

Each day brings news of more viruses, Trojan horses, and worms that can obtain your confidential information and wreck havoc on you and your computer.

Problem â Windows often stores unneeded traces of your personal information, including passwords, credit card numbers, and previously deleted data and email, all without you even knowing it.

Solution â SecureClean isolates and removes this unneeded information, making it impossible for cyber criminals to steal your data. Don't just rely on your firewall and anti-virus to protect you, make SecureClean your first line of defense.
Because what isn't there can't be stolen!
Program details
Downloads month: 7
Company: WhiteCanyon Inc.
Release date: 2004-11-30
Version: 4.0
License: Shareware
Price: $39.95
Supported OS': Win95 Win98 WinME WinNT 4.x Windows2000 WinXP
Homepage: Visit website
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