Options for StatPlus 2006
StatPlus 2006
With StatPlus 2006, one gets a robust suite of statistics tools and graphical analysis methods that are easily accessed though a simple and straightforward interface. The range of possible applications of StatPlus 2006 is virtually unlimited - sociology, financial analysis, biostatistics, economics, insurance industry, healthcare and clinical research, probability calculations for lotteries and gambling operations - to name just a few fields where the program is already being extensively used. While StatPlus 2006 is a "heavy-duty" professional statistical analysis tool, the interface is so simple that even people who have no knowledge of statistics are capable of processing data, provided they know how to use PC and clear instructions are given. This frees up intellectual resources for analyzing the results, rather than agonizing over who and how processed the data, and if any mistakes were made in the process.
Statistical features:
Basic statistics:descriptive statistics,normality tests,
T-Test/,Fisher F-test,
correlation coefficients (Pearson,Fechner),covariation
ANOVA (MANOVA,GLM, Latin and Greco-latin squares analysis)
Nonparametric statistics: Tables Analysis
chi-square test,
rank correlations (Kendall Tau, Spearman R, etc.),
comparing independent samples (Mann-Whitney U, Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Rosenbaum, Wald-Wolfowitz Runs Tests,Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA,...)
comparing dependent samples (Wilcoxon Test, Sign Test, Friedman ANOVA, Kendall's Concordance)
Cochran Q Test
Regression: Linear, polynomial, logistic, stepwise and Cox regression
Survival Analysis: Probit-analysis, Cox regression
Time series analysis:Moving Average, Auto Correlation and Partial AC, etc.
Powerful data processor (from sampling up to special transformations)
Spreadsheet features :
Reads Microsoft Excel/StatSoft Statistica/SPSS
Charts - histograms, bars, areas, point-graphs, pies...
OLE Objects
Free update to 2007 included! Promo price!
Program details
Downloads month: 7
Company: AnalystSoft
Release date: 2007-05-10
Version: 3.9.9
License: Shareware
Price: $120
Supported OS': Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT 4.x, Windows 2000, Windows XP
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