Alien forces have invaded Earth and are terrorizing the population. To combat this sinister threat, a lone X-COM scientist has created the Enforcer, a high-tech fighting machine made of earthly robotics and scavenged alien technology. Armed with the latest high-powered weapons, the Enforcer is teleported to hot spots to fight in adrenaline-charged battles that rage on city streets, across rooftops, and in the sewers.YOU are the Enforcer! Powered by the same game engine as Unreal Tournament for stunning visual effects, X-COM Enforcer puts you on the front line of an alien attack.
Downloads month: |
Company: |
Release date: |
2003-08-27 |
Version: |
License: |
Demo |
Price: |
$19.95 |
Supported OS': |
Win95 Win98 WinME Windows2000 WinXP |