Options for Zoom Studio
Zoom Studio
Zoom Studio 2 is a stand-alone windows application that includes a wide range of tools to quickly create dynamic and interactive high resolution image presentations on web sites.
The extensive functionality of the program considers all aspects of publishing images on the web, no matter if you?re building a site from scratch or want to change the existing image architecture. The program allows you to easily build picture galleries based on templates, convert all images on a site to zoomable objects, make movie-like animations, create dynamic image links, wavelet compress your images and much more without any HTML coding.
The registered version allows you to publish your work without additional licences.
Program details
Downloads month: 4
Company: maple and star ab
Release date: 2007-10-01
Version: 2.30
License: Shareware
Price: $429
Supported OS': Win98, WinME, Windows2000, WinXP
Homepage: Visit website
screenshot - click to enlarge the File Extensions site!