Options for Digital Hazard
Digital Hazard
Digital Hazard is the hacking simulator game developed by exoSyphen Studios. If you ever wondered what lies beneath the worldwide computer newtworking, here is your chance to go into that underground world and play the role of a hacker, in a journey arround the world, trying to find the thruth about the ESK organization. Packed with awesome graphics, and a great soundtrack from Avenue 5, the game is guaranteed to keep you on the edge of things all the time. With support for custom interface skins, custom game mods/levels/missions, you can always extend your gaming experience and face new challenged, by downloading additional missions. You don't have to be an experienced computer user. You will be carefully and exactly instructed on how to do things, preparing you face the most chalenging missions. If you are looking for something new, here is your chance with this game. Try something totally new and play on the thin line between reality and fiction.
Program details
Downloads month: 9
Company: Trygames
Release date: 2004-08-25
License: Demo
Price: $19.95
Supported OS': Win98 WinME Windows2000
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