Options for Microsoft EDB to PST Conversion tool
Microsoft EDB to PST Conversion tool
Do you have any problem related to exchange database recovery? And fail to find out best Exchange to outlook conversion tool then just relax yourself and relay on Enstella Microsoft Exchange to Outlook conversion tool which is the most reliable and convenient method to convert Exchange EDB file to PST file. With the help of best exchange to outlook conversion software Exchange users are able to exchange Priv1 EDB to PST file in minimum time period. EDB Exchange migration tool superbly recover EDB/.STM files from corrupted environment of Exchange server which get ruined due to some common reasons-virus attack, jet engine error, 2 GB file size error, software failure etc. Enstella Exchange email recovery allow you to recover every single emails items from each EDB mailbox and restore Exchange email messages into MS Outlook. EDB to PST conversion software to recover EDB files from such MS Exchange server-5.0, 5.5, 2000, 2003, 2007 and 2010.
Enstella Microsoft EDB to PST conversion tool has some key factors which makes software more trustworthy:-
*Easy to scan EDB file from corrupt, damaged Exchange server.
*Efficiently repair Exchange database and recover Priv1 EDB/STM file.
*Successfully extract EDB files from such MS Exchange server-5.0, 5.5, 2000, 2003 and 2007.
* software automatically recognize you inaccessible EDB file and extract exchange mails messages-contacts, journals, tasks, notes, calendars, sent item, received items etc.
*Exchange to Outlook converter allow you to migrate Exchange to outlook on such MS Outlook version-97, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2007 and 2010.
* Facility of both demo and full version of software.
Free demo version of EDB recovery tool assist you to get back every email items from EDB files instantly, but it will not allow you to export EDB file to PST file. For Exchange to outlook conversion process you have to purchase license key of full version software at USD 299 price.
Program details
Downloads month: 4
Company: EDB to PST Conversion
Release date: 2011-09-12
Version: 4.6
License: Shareware
Price: $299.00
Supported OS': Win95, Win98, WinME, Windows2000, WinXP, Windows2003, Win Vista, Win7
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