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Options for Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger Design
Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger Design
1) Step by step design and rating calculations
2) Estimate the Physical properties of more than 1450 components; the database has the ability to estimate Thermal Conductivity, Density, Heat Capacity and Viscosity. The database also included critical properties, boiling and melting points. 3) Estimate mixture properties. (ALL ESTIMATION METHODS CURRENTLY SUPPORT LIQUIDS ONLY) 4) Integrated customised database functions to allow user to add/delete components. 5) Fixed tube sheet counts and general tube sizes tables 6) Ability to import properties to Shell/Tube sides form Microsoft Excel 7) Export Results summary to Microsoft Excel 8) Ability to calculate unknown shell or tube side temperatures by iteration method (solving by trial and error) - also calculate unknown exit temperatures in rating mode. 9) Also can select from different correlations to calculate shell or tube heat transfer coefficient 10) Calculate the scale resistance (dirt factor) 11) Shell/Tube side Reynolds & Nusselt numbers 12) Baffle number and spacing 13) Recommended minimum shell thickness, minimum recommended number & diameter of rods. 14) Calculate Shell/Nozzle/Channel/Head/Tubesheet Thickness. 15) Support S.I Units and English (U.S) Units of mesurement. 16) Duty Calculation 17) Overall heat transfer coefficient for both Clean and Fouled conditions 18) Shell/Tube velocities. 19) Number of transfer units, Effectiveness, Thermal capacity ratio 20) Pumping power / Inlet and Exit Nozzles pressure losses / Scale resistance Calculators 21) Save/Load results. 22) Generate/Print a summary of results. Advertisement